Piedras de agua - Ponte a fluir - Edelstein Balance®

€ 29,90

Gemstone Balance®: el concepto de equilibrio de piedras preciosas de Monika Grundmann

Libera tu flexibilidad interior y renueva tu energía con las piedras de agua Get in Flow, una mezcla vibrante de ámbar, calcedonia azul y Sodalita. Diseñada para fomentar la comunicación, la comprensión y la adaptabilidad, esta mezcla de piedras preciosas ayuda a liberar bloqueos e invita a un enfoque lúdico y creativo de la vida.

Cuando llegue el momento de hacer que la energía reprimida fluya nuevamente...
El tema Get in Flow te anima a ver los desafíos de la vida con humor y tranquilidad. Al romper patrones arraigados y liberar el estrés, esta mezcla restaura una sensación de vitalidad y creatividad. La confianza y la comunicación se fortalecen, permitiendo que las emociones y los pensamientos fluyan libremente y abriendo nuevas posibilidades. Abrace nuevas perspectivas, manténgase abierto a alternativas y sumérjase en el momento presente con entusiasmo infantil.

  • Ámbar: Irradia calidez y positividad, fomentando la flexibilidad y el equilibrio emocional.
  • Calcedonia Azul: Mejora la comunicación, ayudándote a expresarte con claridad y facilidad.
  • Sodalita: Fomenta la confianza y la comprensión, favoreciendo la armonía entre pensamientos y emociones.

"Los problemas nunca podrán resolverse con la misma mentalidad que los creó." – Albert Einstein, físico

Cada caja incluye un paño de tela con el logo de Edelstein Balance® en el color azul oscuro del tema Get in Flow. Utilice el paño para energizar sus piedras secas o como base para su jarra de agua con piedras preciosas, agregando un toque creativo a su rutina de hidratación.

Afirme la libertad de dejarse llevar con el mantra empoderador: "¡Entiendo, suelte y soy libre!" Deje que las piedras de agua Get in Flow inspiren conexión y adaptabilidad. , y vitalidad renovada en cada sorbo.

Más información

All gemstones in the Lapis Vitalis range are safe for direct immersion in water. These carefully curated gemstone mixtures were developed by Michael Gienger, a pioneer of gemstone healing in Europe, drawing on decades of expertise in the effects and properties of gemstones.

How to Choose the Right Water Stone?
Selecting the ideal gemstone for your water can be a personal and intuitive process. Here are some helpful methods:

Color/Appearance: Which gemstone catches your eye with its beauty?

Theme: What theme or energy would you like to support through your gemstone water?

Intuition: Which Water Stones package feels right for you at first glance?

All Lapis Vitalis Water Stones start as rough stones but go through an additional refinement process.

Here’s how it works:
The rough stones are placed in large drums filled with water and gently tumbled. This simulates the natural smoothing process seen in mountain streams, where stones become rounded over time.

This tumbling process removes splinters, sharp edges, and corners, resulting in smooth, rounded stones that are ideal for use as Water Stones. These refined stones ensure that your gemstone water remains free from contamination by splinters.

While Water Stones are slightly more expensive than rough stones, they offer significant benefits: they prevent scratching of carafes and glasses and provide a safer, more practical option for energizing water.

Consejos de uso

Care and Cleaning of Water Stones

To maintain the purity and effectiveness of Water Stones, regular and thorough cleaning is essential. Proper care prevents contamination and mold, ensuring the gemstones can fully energize tap water, imbuing it with qualities similar to spring water.

Cleaning Instructions:

1. Initial Cleaning: Before placing the stones in water, brush them thoroughly to remove any dirt or residue. (Use a not used toothbrush for instance)

2. Rinse: Wash the stones under cold running water until completely clean.

3. Energetic Cleansing: For a final cleanse, place the stones on the colored cloth provided or on an amethyst geode to restore their energy.

With regular care, your Water Stones will remain effective and safe for preparing gemstone water.


A tinplate box of Lapis Vitalis Water Stones, securely sealed to ensure no stones are lost and to protect them from external contamination.

Inside, you'll find instructions written in German, English, French and Spanish, detailing how to prepare gemstone water and care for your Water Stones.