Right of cancellation and exchange?
You have full right of return and exchange for 30 days from the day you received your goods.

Do you want to change product or return the order?
- If you wish to exchange a product or return your order, please send us an email specifying the item(s) you want to return.
- We will provide you with a return label to print and affix to your package.
- The return shipping cost will be deducted from your refund amount.
- Return the unused item to us in its original packaging.
- Clearly include your order number, name, and return instructions in the shipment.
- You can either exchange the item for another product or request a refund.
- The cost of return/exchange shipping is borne by the customer.

Address: Elliotti SL, Calle Picasso 16, 03580 Alfaz del Pi, Spain

NOTE! We do not have a visiting address and all returns and exchanges must be made by post!

When returning, make sure you have left information in the shipment with:
- your name
- order number
- possibly what you want to exchange or if you want the money back.

Note that for unclaimed packages that are returned to Elliotti, the customer will be charged for shipping/return shipping and a service fee for increased costs with Euro 30.


We do our utmost to ensure that the goods you ordered from us are fault-free. Should you still receive a defective or wrongly delivered item, you must contact us as soon as possible, but within 30 days at the latest. If there is a visible error on the product, it may be good to attach a picture showing the error in your email.

You can reach us by phone: +34 68 761 7225 or post@elliotti.com shipping in case of wrong deliveries and complaints.

In the event of a dispute, we follow the recommendations of the General Complaints Board. Read more about the Consumer Purchase Act on the Swedish Consumer Agency's website. due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the consumer (cf. Right of Withdrawal Act ß 12 point a)
- the delivery itself has meant that the item cannot be returned.
- the seal on the item is broken.
- the item is used.
- We do not accept cash on delivery.

If you have any questions, please contact us. We are solution-oriented and flexible within reasonable limits.

Send an e-mail to Elliotti: post@elliotti.com

* If normal return conditions do not apply, this is stated in the product information.

For questions about returns and exchanges please contact us.