Four women blowing kisses

The different stages from perimenopause to menopause to postmenopause

Perimenopause: A Time of Change and New Beginnings

Think of perimenopause as the winding down to menopause, a natural part of a woman's life. It usually starts between 40 and 50 and lasts for a few years. During this time, your body is slowly making less estrogen and progesterone, hormones that control your periods and other things. This change can cause some uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It can also make your periods irregular or lighter/heavier than usual.

Here's the important part: perimenopause is normal, and it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you! It's a time of transition, but it's also a chance to rediscover yourself.

Focus on the positive: This is a chance to learn more about yourself and what you want out of life. What are your goals and dreams? Take time to reflect and explore your options.

Don't be afraid to ask for help: Seek support from friends, family, and healthcare providers. Don't hesitate to talk about your concerns and seek guidance. There are many resources available to help you navigate the challenges of perimenopause and thrive during this transformative time.

Talk to your loved ones: Let your friends and family know what you're going through. Their support can make a big difference.

Remember, perimenopause is just a chapter, not the whole story. By embracing the changes and taking care of yourself, you can come out stronger and more confident than ever before.

A woman sitting by the sea and looks out on the ocean

Menopause - A Journey of Self-Discovery

Menopause, a natural transition marked by a year without a period, typically arrives between 45 and 55 and lasts around 4 years, though it can range from months to a decade. It's a time to pause, reflect, and re-evaluate your goals, values, and life path. This introspection prepares you for the exciting new chapter ahead.

More Than Biology: A Transformative Rite of Passage

Menopause isn't just biological; it's a transformative journey. It's a chance to tap into your inner strength and wisdom, deepening your self-awareness and self-care practices.

Shedding the Old to Embrace the New

Think of this phase as a chrysalis. It's a time to shed habits and patterns that no longer serve you. Let go of unhealthy habits and limiting beliefs that hold you back from living authentically. Embrace honesty and self-acceptance as you navigate this transformative period.

Emerging Empowered and Self-Realized

As you shed the old, trust in your ability to emerge as a more empowered and self-realized woman. Embrace the changes that menopause brings, and allow it to propel you towards a more fulfilling and enriching life.

Just like a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, so too can you emerge from menopause with greater wisdom, self-compassion, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Here's a reminder about the biological aspects of menopause:

- It's marked by the end of egg production and menstruation, typically between 45 and 55.

- The average duration is 4 years, but it can vary significantly.

Common Signs of Menopause:

- Hot flashes and night sweats lasting over a year

- Cessation of periods

- Vaginal dryness and discomfort

- Sleep problems

- Mood swings, anxiety, or depression

Additional Points to Remember:

- The transition from perimenopause to menopause can be gradual, with symptoms lasting several years before periods stop completely.

- Some women experience no symptoms at all during either phase.

- The severity of symptoms varies greatly from woman to woman.

By understanding both the physical and emotional aspects of menopause, you can navigate this journey with confidence and emerge stronger and more fulfilled than ever before.

A woman in her sixty's smiling at you

A Time of Wisdom and Self-Mastery: The Post-menopause Years

Post-menopause, a time of biological stabilization after menopause, ushers in a vibrant and confident chapter in life. It's a chance to celebrate your achievements and the self-growth you've nurtured over the years.

Sovereignty and a Broader Perspective

This stage is marked by a deep sense of self-mastery. You've gained a profound understanding of your mind and body, allowing you to inhabit them with greater harmony. Your vision expands beyond daily concerns, embracing a wider perspective. This wisdom and guidance become invaluable contributions to your community and future generations.

Like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, you too can transform. Embrace this stage with open arms, and let your wisdom and compassion soar.

Post-menopause: Important Information

Post-menopause can last for decades. During this time, estrogen levels continue to decline, which can lead to changes like:

- Increased risk of osteoporosis

- Increased risk of heart disease

- Increased risk of stroke

- Increased risk of memory problems

Signs of Post-menopause:

- Reduced hot flashes and night sweats

- Improved vaginal dryness

- Better sleep

- Mood stabilization


- The transition from menopause to post-menopause can be gradual, with lingering symptoms for several years.

- Some women experience no symptoms at all.

- The severity of symptoms varies greatly.

By understanding both the physical and emotional aspects of post-menopause, you can navigate this chapter with confidence and continue to grow and thrive.

Purple Chasteberry flower - Vitex agnus cactus

How to live Menopause with fullness and well-being?

If discomfort arises, it's an invitation to address underlying factors, such as diet, lifestyle choices, or emotional patterns. Natural supplements like Ginevítex® can support hormonal balance and facilitate a smoother transition.

Overcoming Misconceptions and Societal Stereotypes Surrounding Menopause

Society often glorifies youth, diminishing the incredible value of women's wisdom and experiences. This narrative paints aging as synonymous with invisibility, a loss of desirability and identity. But these stereotypes are simply untrue.

Beyond the Stigma: A Time of Blossoming

Postmenopause, a stage often unfairly labeled as decline, is precisely when many women blossom into their most authentic selves. It's a time of self-discovery, personal growth, and the ability to contribute more meaningfully than ever before.

Breaking Free from Limiting Narratives

Patriarchal societies often treat women's bodies, including menopause, as a medical issue to control. This fearmongering and focus on "decline" perpetuates separation, a sense of victimhood, and ultimately serves economic interests rather than women's well-being.

A Second Spring: Wisdom and Empowerment

Many cultures, like those in China, celebrate menopause as a "second spring." Here, women are seen as exiting the menstrual cycle, not entering decline, but emerging wiser, stronger, and more empowered.

This stage offers an opportunity to break free from outdated norms and claim your true potential. Unleash your wisdom, creativity, and leadership to make a profound impact on the world around you.

Menopause: A Transformation, Not a Decline

Menopause isn't a decline, it's a transformation, a chrysalis transforming into a magnificent butterfly. Let's embrace this stage with open arms and fly into a new chapter of empowerment, fulfillment, and societal change.

An elderly couple looking out over the ocean during sun set