The stated conditions regulate the customer's use of goods and services delivered by, hereinafter referred to as the seller. These conditions apply to all sales from the seller as long as nothing else has been agreed in writing between the parties. When you order goods, you automatically receive an order confirmation via e-mail from us. ATTENTION! You must enter the CORRECT email address. We check that the item(s) are in stock. We reserve the right that some items may be out of stock.

Prices are stated in EUR and include VAT. We reserve the right to price changes and incorrect pricing of our products.

All deliveries are made with Correos, Seur, DHL, DPD or UPS. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that the address given at the time of ordering is correct.

For more information on shipping and returns see: "Shipping & Returns".

Anyone who has registered as a customer (18 years of age) with the seller is responsible for payment of the services that the seller or the seller's partner delivers regarding the current terms and conditions. The responsibility also includes the use of the customer's account by others, including unauthorized use, unless it can be demonstrated that unauthorized use has been made possible through negligence on the part of the seller.

Regarding errors reported to the seller, the customer should first investigate whether the error is on the customer's side. If the customer can determine that the product does not work as the seller has described it should, the customer must notify the seller so that the seller can take measures. The customer loses his right to complaint if he has not notified the seller within a reasonable time after he discovered or should have discovered the fault.

The seller shall, as soon as possible after becoming aware of a defect in the product delivered by the seller, take measures to remedy the error. If the customer takes the initiative to remedy the error, in addition to what he has agreed with the seller, the seller does not pay for these costs.

The Right of Cancellation Act only applies to the Consumer Purchase Act and this gives a 14-day grace period for returns. The return cost is borne by the buyer (cf. Right of Withdrawal Act ß 15 first part). See the returns page for more information.

If unclaimed packages are returned to us, the customer will be charged for shipping/return shipping and a service fee to cover costs with a fee of EUR 30.

SECURITY is encrypted with SSL protection, which is visible in the URL field, and protects you as a consumer from unsafe handling of personal data.

The seller is only responsible for the loss of the goods if the goods have a proven fault or if they are missing. However, this does not apply if the seller can prove that the error is due to circumstances beyond the seller's control and the consequences of which the seller cannot reasonably avoid or overcome. The seller is not liable for indirect losses resulting from errors unless the loss was caused by gross negligence or willful negligence on the part of the seller. Through consumer purchases, the conditions cannot be worse than the conditions stipulated by law. The Consumer Purchase Act, 2002-06-21 no. 34.

The seller reserves the right to change the current terms and conditions as a result of changes in the law.

If the seller is prevented from delivering or making a mandatory replacement or if such delivery becomes unreasonably burdensome as a result of any other circumstance beyond the control of the parties such as fire, war, mobilization, or unforeseen military operations of similar scope, requisition, confiscation, the foreign exchange restriction, insurrection, riot, lack of means of transport, general shortage of materials, reduced supply of motive power and errors and other delays in deliveries from subcontractors or manufacturers which as a result of such circumstances referred to in this clause, relieve the seller of all liability other than complaint error and credits the incorrect item with the corresponding purchase amount.

All credit information is handled with great discretion and will under no circumstances be passed on to outsiders.

The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or veterinarian before starting any regime with Essential Oils.

All content on these pages belongs to Elliotti SL and is protected under the Copyright Act, the Marketing Act, and the Trademark Act. This means that trademarks, company names, information about products, product names, images, design, layout, and other content on these websites cannot be downloaded, copied, or used in any other way without written approval from Elliotti SL.

Our organization number: B70775374

If you have questions or need to contact us:

Send e-mail to:


Elliotti SL
Calle Picasso 16, 03580 Alfaz del Pi, Spain.