Óleo Essencial Orgânico Linalol Tomilho, 5ml

€ 14,90

Agricultura orgânica

Certificado orgânico

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Experimente os benefícios versáteis do Óleo Essencial de Linalol de Tomilho Orgânico, derivado das melhores plantas de Thymus vulgaris L. no Congo. Conhecido pelo seu aroma suave e herbáceo e pela sua ampla gama de aplicações, este óleo essencial é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de bem-estar e autocuidado.

Características principais:

  • 100% puro e orgânico: proveniente de plantas de tomilho de alta qualidade, garantindo o mais alto nível de pureza e potência.
  • Perfil Aromático: Aroma suave e herbáceo que refresca e revigora.
  • Uso versátil: Ideal para aromaterapia, cuidados com a pele e bem-estar geral.

Usos sugeridos:

  • Aromaterapia: Difunda para criar uma atmosfera refrescante e revigorante que promove foco e concentração.
  • Aplicação tópica: Dilua com um óleo transportador e aplique na pele para uma experiência calmante, particularmente benéfica para músculos e articulações.
  • Home Care: Use em soluções de limpeza naturais ou como spray ambiente para adicionar um aroma fresco e herbáceo ao seu ambiente.

Como usar:

  • Suporte respiratório: Adicione algumas gotas a um difusor para ajudar a manter uma respiração clara.
  • Cuidados com a pele: dilua com um óleo carreador e aplique na pele para manter uma tez saudável e acalmar pequenas irritações da pele.
  • Alívio muscular e articular: dilua com um óleo transportador e massageie os músculos e articulações para obter um efeito aquecedor e calmante.
  • Clareza Mental: Difunda ou inale diretamente para promover o foco e aliviar a exaustão mental.

Recomendado para:

  • Apoiando a saúde respiratória
  • Melhorando o foco e a clareza mental
  • Músculos e articulações calmantes
  • Refrescando e revigorando o ambiente

Experimente as propriedades refrescantes e calmantes do Óleo Essencial de Linalol de Tomilho Orgânico e eleve sua rotina diária de bem-estar com seus benefícios versáteis.

Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Mais Informações

INCI name: Thymus Vulgaris Flower/leaf Oil

Botanical name: Thymus vulgaris L.

Distilled part of the plant: Aerial parts

Production process: Steam training

Origin of the plant: Congo

  • Antibacterial - kills bacterial growth or prevents bacteria from growing
  • Antirheumatic - alleviating or preventing rheumatism
  • Antiseptic - prevents or combats bacterial infection
  • Antispasmodic - prevents or relieves spasms
  • Antiviral - kills or inhibits the growth of viruses
  • Carminative - preventsor relieves flatulence; gas in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cicatrizing - heals a wound by the formation of scar tissue
  • Diuretic - helps to increase the production of urine
  • Emmenagogue - provokes menstruation when periods are irregular or missing
  • Expectorant - promotes the removal of mucus from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  • Immunostimulant - stimulates and strengthens the immune system
  • Insect repellent
  • Stimulant - increases alertness of the mind, and boosts energy. Raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body
  • Tonic - refreshes, revitalizes and invigorates body functions
  • Vermifuge - expels worms from the intestines
Dicas de uso

mix 3 drops with 1/2 teaspoon (2,5ml) of coconut oil, and massage over open pores and blemishes. The antibacterial properties in thyme linalol oil will protect blemishes from becoming infected and help heal the skin faster.

If you suffer from arthritis or rheumatism you will love the warming properties of thyme oil to help relieve pain and discomfort. Mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and gently massage over painful joints.

Athlete's Foot
Mix 2 drops of thyme linalol with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of coconut oil, and gently rub over the infection. Make sure you massage in between the toes. Thyme has excellent anti-fungal properties and helps clear the infection that causes athlete's foot. It also prevents the infection from spreading.

Thyme oil helps to loosen and clear mucus from building up in the airways, easing the symptoms of bronchitis. Add 3 drops to steam inhalation, or mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and massage into the chest area.

Thyme helps to eliminate excess fluid and break up fat deposits, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Mix 4 drops of thyme oil with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of coconut oil, and massage into the areas of concern.

Cold Sores
Keep cold sores infection-free and prevent them from spreading with thyme oil. Add 1 drop of thyme oil and 1 drop of coconut oil on a cotton bud, and gently pat the cold sore. Repeat twice daily.

Cuts & Sores
Keep wounds, cuts, and sores clean and infection-free with thyme oil. Mix 2 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of coconut oil, and massage over the affected area twice daily.

Thyme oil helps to get rid of body toxins, salts, and wastes that build up in the body's tissues over time. Dilute 4 drops of thyme oil in 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil and add to a warm Epsom salt bath.

Insect bites & stings
Use thyme oil to keep bites and stings infection-free. Mix 2 drops of the oil with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of coconut oil, and massage over the area of concern twice daily.

Immune system
Thyme oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and therefor acts as a tonic for the immune system, keeping it healthy and strong. Mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil and massage into the feet.

Irregular periods
Thyme oil helps to stimulate menstruation. Mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and massage into the abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Mental clarity
Thyme oil helps to clear and invigorate the mind, and promotes focus and concentration. Diffuse 4 drops, or place 2 drops on a tissue and inhale regularly.

Muscular aches & pains
Mix 4 drops of thyme oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and massage into the painful area. Or dilute 4 drops with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil and add to a warm bath. Thyme oil eases aches and pains caused by over exercising or sporting injuries.

Poor circulation
Mix 4 drops of thyme oil in 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil and add to a warm bath, followed immediately by a cool shower for 10-15 seconds. You can also mix 4 drops of thyme oil with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil and massage into the feet.

Use: Food flavoring (FEMA n°: 3064 / CoE n°: 465n)
Food dosage: 1 drop in a dish for 5 people (never exceed 2%)
Always use essential oil diluted in a suitable medium (for example vegetable oil, honey, etc.)
Soluble in alcohol, fatty substances (vegetable oils and butter), and emulsions (creams).

Insoluble in water. It is however possible to use it as a mixture in these types of products but pre-mixed with Solubol (in this case you must add 4 times more solubol than essential oil).


Se este óleo ou mistura for seguro para Difusão, será verificado se há Cão, Gato ou ambos abaixo:

    Diretrizes gerais para difusão em torno de animais de estimação:
    1. Tempo de difusão: Limite as sessões de difusão a 15-20 minutos.
    2. Ao experimentar um novo óleo essencial, use 1-2 gotas (no difusor) e observe como seu cão ou gato reage.
    3. Ventilação: Mantenha a área bem ventilada.
    4. Observação: Sempre monitore os animais de estimação em busca de quaisquer sinais de sofrimento ao difundir óleos essenciais.

    Quality: 100% pure and natural essential oil. Botanically and Biochemically Defined Essential Oil (HEBBD), chemotype (HECT)

    Culture: Product from organic farming, certified by Bureau Veritas Certification France, FR-BIO-10

    Appearance: Clear liquid

    Color: Yellow to red brown

    Odor: Characteristic

    Density: 0.870 - 0.885

    Flash point: 55°C


    - AB France certified
    - 100% natural product
    - Botanically and Biochemically Defined Essential Oil (HEBBD), chemotype (HECT)
    - Not tested on animals
    - Raw materials compliant with respect for the environment
    - Without material from petrochemicals
    - Propos Nature favor small producers, artisans and fair trade


    Main components:
    Linalool: between 65 and 85%
    b-caryophyllene: between 2 and 12%
    Linalyl acetate: between 0 and 8%

    Allergens : Linalool

    The natural origin of the essential oil does not make it possible to obtain an identical composition for each production. Composition and allergens on request.

    Tipo de pele
    • Blemished skin
    • Oily skin
    Problemas de pele e cabelo
    • Acne
    • Infections
    • Insect bites & stings
    • Warts
    Problemas de saúde
    • Physical exhaustion
    • Poor circulation
    Saúde mental
    • Fatigue
    • Focus & concentration
    Problemas respiratórios
    • Colds & Flu
    • Coughing
    • Bronchitis
    • Sinusitis
    • Sore throat
    • Stuffy nose
    Problemas musculares e articulares
    • Muscle aches & pains
    • Arthritis
    • Rheumatism
    • Physical exhaustion
    Questões femininas
    • Irregular or missing bleeding
    Combina bem com

    Bergamot, black pepper, cistus, clove bud, frankincense, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, mandarin, orange sweet, patchouli, peppermint, petitgrain, rose otto, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

    Precauções para uso

    May irritate sensitive skins, do a patch test. Best avoided during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. GRAS status (Generally recognized as safe)

    Embalagem e armazenamento

    Store away from air, heat, and light

    Shelf life: 36 months after opening

    Packaging: 5 ml amber glass bottle with dropper cap



    Olá, meu nome é Susann!

    Sou aromaterapeuta e naturopata holístico e estou aqui para ajudá-lo a escolher os melhores óleos essenciais e produtos naturais para o seu bem-estar – sem nenhum custo extra. Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com qualquer dúvida ou para obter conselhos personalizados. Estou aqui para apoiar você!

    Envie-me um e-mail para susann@elliotti.com

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