Solubol ätherischer Ölträger, 15 ml

€ 8,50
Anbieter Propos'Nature

Zertifiziertes Bio-Produkt

The french flag

Hergestellt in Frankreich

100 % natürlicher und alkoholfreier Lösungsvermittler  ermöglicht das einfache Mischen ätherischer Öle in Wasser. An essentieller Rohstoff für die sichere Verwendung Ihrer gelösten ätherischen Öle in:
-  wässrige kosmetische Präparate  (Wasser, Lotion, Gel, Hydrolat). , Blütenwasser), 
- Aromabäder ,
-  natürliche Raumsprays ,
- Getränke
Zubereitungen, Kräutertees, mit ätherischen Ölen angereicherte Tees  .

1 Flasche = zwanzig Aromabäder 

Geben Sie 15 Tropfen Solubol in Ihre Handfläche oder in ein beliebiges Gefäß, bevor Sie 4–7 Tropfen eines ätherischen Öls Ihrer Wahl hinzufügen. Zum Badewasser hinzufügen und mit der Hand im Wasser hin- und herschwenken, um die Öle zu verteilen.

Mehr Informationen

English name: Essentials oils carrier

Properties: Solubilization of essential oils in an aqueous medium (water, gel, lotion, hydrosol, floral water)


- Cosmetic
- Eating

Examples of use:
- Hydrosols concentrated in essential oils
- Aromatic gels
- Aromatic lotions
- Aromatic baths
- Aromatic drinks
- Natural room sprays
- Toilet water

Indicative dosages for 100 grams of preparation:

1 drop of essential oil and 4 drops of Solubol
Minimum dilution of 20 times.
Solubol allows the incorporation of 20 to 25% of an essential oil or a complex of essential oils in an aqueous phase (water, hydrosol, floral water).

Indicative dosage for 20 ml of preparation (water or herbal tea) :

1 drop of essential oil and 4 drops of Solubol
Stir well and consume immediately.

Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Verwendung

- The product is protected from bacterial proliferation by its low quantity of water. It should therefore be consumed quickly after dilution.

- As the solubol/essential oil mixture is unstable, it is necessary to shake the product before use.

- Do not heat to a temperature above 150°C.

- Respect the recommended dosages.


Quality: Solubilizer 100% of natural (vegetable) origin

Appearance: Liquid, more or less viscous

Color: Straw yellow that darkens over time

Odor: Weak

Density: 1.00 to 1.25

Solubility: Soluble in water


100% natural product

Cosmetic and food quality

Not tested on animals

Raw materials compliant with respect for the environment

Without material from petrochemicals

Verpackung und Lagerung

Product subject to oxidation, store away from light and at room temperature. Avoid excessive temperature differences.

Hygroscopic product to be stored away from humidity.

Shelf life (DLUO): 2 years in its original packaging.

Packaging: 15 ml amber glass bottle with cap.

