Bio-ätherisches Geranienöl, 10 ml

€ 14,80

Kaufen Sie unser ätherisches Öl und erhalten Sie exklusiven Zugang zu einem umfassenden Leitfaden voller Anwendungstipps und Informationen!

Das ätherische Bio-Geranien-Rosenöl ist ein wertvolles Geschenk der Natur, bekannt für sein bezauberndes Aroma und zahlreiche Vorteile für die Haut und das Wohlbefinden. Lassen Sie uns die Magie dieses aromatischen Juwels erkunden:

Pflegen Sie Ihre Haut: Geranium Rose wird für seine Fähigkeit geschätzt, sowohl fettige als auch trockene Haut auszugleichen, was es zu einer harmonisierenden Wahl für alle Hauttypen macht. Es hilft, die Talgproduktion zu regulieren und sorgt für einen strahlenden Teint.

Aromatherapie-Wunder: Sein exquisiter Blumenduft ist für seine beruhigenden und erhebenden Eigenschaften bekannt. Atmen Sie den zarten Duft der Geranienrose ein, um Stress abzubauen, Ängste zu lindern und Ihr emotionales Wohlbefinden zu steigern.

Natürliches Aphrodisiakum: Der verführerische Duft der Geranienrose hat ihr den Ruf eines natürlichen Aphrodisiakums eingebracht. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Leben Romantik und Sinnlichkeit mit diesem exquisiten Öl.

Hormonhaushalt: Von diesem ätherischen Öl wird angenommen, dass es den Hormonhaushalt unterstützt, was es zu einer beliebten Wahl bei der Gesundheit von Frauen und bei Wechseljahrsbeschwerden macht.

Wellness-Krieger: Geranium Rose kann dabei helfen, Ihr Immunsystem zu stärken und Beschwerden durch saisonale Bedrohungen zu lindern.

Biologisch und rein: Unser Geranien-Rosenöl stammt aus biologischem, nachhaltigem Anbau und ist 100 % rein, frei von schädlichen Zusatzstoffen, Pestiziden und synthetischen Chemikalien.

Genießen Sie die therapeutische und aromatische Magie der Bio-Geranienrose. Verbessern Sie Ihre Hautpflege-, Aromatherapie- und Wohlbefindensroutinen mit diesem außergewöhnlichen ätherischen Öl. Strahlen Sie auf natürliche Weise Schönheit und Positivität aus.
Mehr Informationen

INCI name: Pelargonium asperum (or graveolens) oil
Botanical name: Pelargonium asperum (or graveolens)
Distilled part of the plant: Flowering tops
Production process: Steam training
Origin of the plant: Egypt

  • Analgesic - Pain killer, reduces pain
  • Antibacterial - kills bacterial growth or prevents bacteria from growing
  • Antidepressant - lifts the symptoms of depression such as low moods and sadness
  • Anti-infectious - prevents or treats an infection
  • Anti-inflammatory - reduces inflammation and swelling
  • Antiseptic - prevents or combats bacterial infection
  • Astringent - tightens the tissues, reduces fluid loss
  • Nervine - strengthens and tones the nerves and the nervous system
  • Restorative - ability to restore health, strength, or well-being
  • Stimulant - increases alertness of the mind, and boosts energy. Raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body
  • Vulnerary - helps wounds to heal

1. Skincare Marvel:
Balancing Oil Production: Geranium oil is renowned for regulating oil production, making it suitable for dry and oily skin. It helps balance sebum, promoting a healthier complexion.
Mix 4 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of coconut oil, and massage into the face and neck. Alternatively, add 3 drops to your moisturizer each morning, and carry out your skincare regime as normal.

Anti-Inflammatory: Its anti-inflammatory properties may soothe irritated skin, making it beneficial for conditions like acne, eczema, and dermatitis.

Cell Regeneration: Geranium oil is believed to support cell regeneration, aiding in the healing of scars, wounds, and skin imperfections.

Mix 2 drops of geranium with ½ teaspoon (2,5ml) of coconut oil, and gently massage directly over the scar. Repeat twice per day. Geranium oil has excellent cicatrisant properties making scars fade over time with regular use.

Deodorant: Mix 15 drops of geranium with ¼ cup (50g) baking soda, and rub onto the armpits. If you use for instant Alum organic deodorant spray, add 5 drops to the bottle.Geranium oil contains antibacterial properties, which help to kill the germs that create body odor.

2. Emotional Well-Being:
Mood Enhancer: Geranium oil has a delightful floral scent that can uplift the mood and promote emotional well-being. It is known for its calming and balancing effects.
Stress Reduction: Inhaling the aroma of geranium oil may help reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of relaxation.

Diffuse 6 drops of geranium in an aroma diffuser, this will help alleviate mood swings and restore calm to the mind and body.

3. Sleep disorders:
Place 2 drops on the pillow before bedtime, or diffuse 4 drops 1 hour before bedtime in an aroma diffuser. Geranium oil helps to balance the nervous system and calms an overactive mind, which often interferes with a peaceful night’s sleep.

4. Hormonal Balance:
Balancing hormones: Geranium essential oil is sometimes used to help balance hormones, particularly during times of menstrual cycle irregularities, cramps, mood swings, or menopause. It is also said to be helpful for people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Mix 5 drops with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil, and massage into the abdomen. You can also diffuse 5 drops of the oil in an aroma diffuser.

For menopause, geranium oil helps to balance the secretion of female hormones by regulating the adrenal cortex. Mix 4 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and massage into the feet. Or dilute 6 drops in 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil, and add to a warm bath.

5. Insect Repellent:
Natural Bug Repellent: The aroma of geranium oil is known to repel insects, making it a natural choice for those looking to avoid chemical-laden repellents. Use it to keep mosquitoes, flies, and other pests at bay.

Diffuse 6 drops of geranium in an aroma diffuser. Mix 4 drops of geranium in 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil, and apply to the parts of your body without clothes to repel mosquitos.

6. Hair Care:
Healthy Scalp: Geranium oil, when added to hair care products or carrier oils, can contribute to a healthy scalp, potentially addressing issues like dandruff.

Add 3 drops of geranium to the amount of shampoo you use for one wash and massage into the scalp. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and rinse.

7. Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic:
Muscle and Joint Relief: Geranium oil's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties may offer relief from muscle and joint pain, including arthritis.

Mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and massage over the area of concern. For headaches, inhale deeply from the bottle 2-3 times, or add 1 drop to ½ teaspoon (2,5ml) carrier oil and massage it on your temples, back of the neck, and your wrists.

Always ensure that you use essential oils safely by diluting them in a carrier oil before applying them to the skin, and perform a patch test to check for sensitivities. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using essential oils.

Use: Food flavoring (FEMA n°: 2508 / CoE n°: 324n)

Food dosage : 1 drop in a dish for 5 people (never exceed 2%)

Always use essential oil diluted in a suitable medium (example: vegetable oil, honey, etc.)

Soluble in alcohol, fatty substances (vegetable oils and butters) and emulsions (creams).

Insoluble in water. It is however possible to use it as a mixture in these types of products but pre-mixed with Solubol (in this case you must add 4 times more solubol than essential oil).


Wenn dieses Öl oder diese Mischung sicher verbreitet werden kann, wird es auf Hund, Katze oder beides geprüft:

  • Cats
  • Dogs

Quality: 100% pure and natural essential oil. Botanically and Biochemically Defined Essential Oil (HEBBD), chemotype (HECT)

Culture: Product from organic farming, certified by Bureau Veritas Certification France, FR-BIO-10

Appearance: Clear liquid

Color: Pale yellow to greenish yellow

Odor: Characteristic of the flower, dew

Density: 0.885 - 0.905

Flash point: 85°C


AB France certified

100% natural product

Botanically and Biochemically Defined Essential Oil (HEBBD), chemotyped (HECT)

Not tested on animals

Raw materials compliant with respect for the environment

Without material from petrochemicals

Propos Nature favor small producers, artisans and fair trade


Main components:
- Citronellol: between 25 and 36%
- Geraniol: between 10 and 18%
- Linalool: between 4 and 8.5%
- Isomenthone: between 4 and 8%
- Citronellyl formate: between 4 and 8%
- Geranyl formate: between 2 and 7%
- Allergens: Citronellol, geraniol, linalool, citral, limonene

The natural origin of the essential oil does not make it possible to obtain an identical composition for each production. Composition and allergens on request.

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Varicose veins
Psychische Gesundheit
  • Anxiety & nervousness
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Menstrual cramps
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
  • Menopause
  • Aging skin
  • Dry skin
  • Normal skin
  • Oily skin
  • Sensitive
Passt gut zu

Basil linalol, bergamot, black pepper, cardamom, chamomile roman and german, cistus, clary sage, cypress, fennel (sweet), frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, helichrysum, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, mandarin, myrtle, neroli, orange sweet, peppermint, patchouli, rosemary, rose otto, sandalwood, spearmint, vetiver, ylang ylang.

Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Verwendung

Always use the essential oil diluted in vegetable oil or another suitable medium.

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women, in children under 7 years of age, in subjects with asthma or allergic to one of its components, in subjects suffering from hormone-dependent cancerous lesions, or with kidney problems.

Consult a specialist for any other indications.

Verpackung und Lagerung

Store away from air, heat and light

Shelf life: 36 months after opening

Packaging: 10 ml amber glass bottle with dropper cap

