Ätherisches Bio-Limettenöl, 10 ml

€ 8,30
Anbieter Innobiz

Kaufen Sie unser ätherisches Öl und erhalten Sie exklusiven Zugang zu einem umfassenden Leitfaden voller Anwendungstipps und Informationen!

Ätherisches Bio-Limettenöl bietet eine Reihe von Vorteilen für Körper und Geist. Seine natürlichen Eigenschaften helfen dabei reduzieren Verdauungsprobleme, Appetitlosigkeit und Cellulite. Es ist auch dafür bekannt, dass es hilft Entgiftung des Körpers und Heilung von Halsentzündungen, Mandelentzündungen, Halsschmerzen, Grippe und chronischer Müdigkeit. Es ist beruhigend und erhebend Aroma kann dabei helfen geistige Erschöpfung zu.

Der Duft des ätherischen Limettenöls ist frisch und zitronig. Sein frischer Ton wirkt sich positiv auf unsere Emotionen aus.

- Verdauungsprobleme
- Appetitverlust
- Entgiften Sie den Körper und behandeln Sie Cellulite
- Halsentzündungen, Mandelentzündung, Halsschmerzen und Grippe
- Chronische Müdigkeit und geistige Erschöpfung
- Depression
- Ölige Haut

Mehr Informationen

Latin name: Citrus aurantifolia
Origin: Italy
Part used: Peel
Extraction method: Cold pressing
Cultivation: Certified Organic farming
Color: Yellow - orange
Note: Top note
Scent: The scent of Lime essential oil is fresh and citrusy.

  • Anthelmintic - destroys parasites, worms
  • Antimicrobial - antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. An antimicrobial kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth
  • Antiseptic - prevents or combats bacterial infection
  • Antiviral - kills or inhibits the growth of viruses
  • Astringent - tightens the tissues, reduces fluid loss
  • Cholagogue - stimulates the flow of bile
  • Depurative - cleanses and removes impurities and toxins from the blood; purifies the blood
  • Digestive - improves the function of the stomach, increases appetite, and helps with digestion
  • Restorative - ability to restore health, strength, or well-being

Cleansing fruit and vegetables
Add 1-3 drops in a water bowl and put your fruits or vegetables in the water for some minutes. Swish around to mix and blend. Drain the fruits/vegetables and rinse them with water before drying them with a paper towel.

Cleansing agent
Fill a 500 ml spray bottle with warm water.
Put 20 drops of Lime essential oil in the bottle, and shake. Apply to all surfaces to disinfect and clean. Lime oil has disinfectant, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties which are extremely effective as a natural household cleaner.

Add 3 drops to steam inhalation, or mix 3 drops with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of jojoba oil and massage into the face and neck. PS! Remember lime oil is photosensitive.

Bacterial infections
Mix 2 drops with 1/2 teaspoon (2,5ml) of coconut oil, and dab it on the affected area twice a day. You can also make a cold compress, with 2 drops to a small bowl with water. Soak the washing cloth and wring out the water and drape over the infection for 5 minutes.

Mix 5 drops with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of coconut oil, and firmly massage the areas of concern. Lime oil stimulates the circulation of wastes and toxins through the lymphatic system at a quicker rate.

Colds & Flu
Diffuse 5-10 drops in a diffuser, or add 3 drops to a steam inhalation.

Mix 4 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil and massage into the feets.

Add 3 drops to a steam inhalation, or add 3 drops to a cold compress and drape across the forehead or chest.


Wenn dieses Öl oder diese Mischung sicher verbreitet werden kann, wird es auf Hund, Katze oder beides geprüft:

  • Dogs

Made in France
From 100% organic farming
ECOCERT- certified


Organic, made in France, and certified by ECOCERT.

  • Detox
Haut- und Haarprobleme
  • Acne
  • Infections
  • Cellulite
Psychische Gesundheit
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety & nervousness
  • Stress
  • Indigestion, heartburn
  • Sore throat
  • Colds & Flu
Passt gut zu

Black pepper, cardamom, citronella, clary sage, cypress, geranium, frankincense, ginger, juniper berry, lavandin, lemon, orange sweet, ylang ylang.

Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Verwendung

Expressed lime oil is a photosensitizer, do not apply to the skin prior to sun exposure. GRAS status.

Verpackung und Lagerung

Store away from heat and light
Storage: 24 months after opening
Packaging: 10ml amber glass bottle with dropper cap


10 ml