Ravintsara Bio-ätherisches Öl, 10 ml

€ 4,60
Anbieter Innobiz

Kaufen Sie unser ätherisches Öl und erhalten Sie exklusiven Zugang zu einem umfassenden Leitfaden voller Anwendungstipps und Informationen!

Bio-ätherisches Ravintsara-Öl kann helfen, häufige Beschwerden zu lindern Atemwegserkrankungen wie Bronchitis, Erkältungen und Sinusitis. Es kann auch helfen Reduzieren Sie Stauungen und Schleimproduktion und unterstützen Sie den Körper vor Virusinfektionen. Darüber hinaus kann es helfen, allgemeine Müdigkeit, Herpes und virale Atemwegsinfektionen zu reduzieren.

Ravintsara hat ein stark krautiges Aroma.

- Bakterielle Infektionen
- Bronchitis
- Sinusitis
- Fieberbläschen
- Husten
- Geistige und körperliche Müdigkeit
- Schnitte und Wunden
- Immunität
- Herpes
- Nagelpilz

    Mehr Informationen

    Latin name: Cinnamomum camphora cineole
    Origin: Madagascar
    Part used: Leaves
    Extraction method: Steam distillation
    Chemotype: Sabinene, 1,8 cineole, α-terpineol
    Cultivation: Organic farming
    Colour: Pale yellow
    Note: Middle Note
    Scent: The aroma of Ravintsara essential oil is fresh, strongly herbaceous aroma that opens the airways.

    • Anthelmintic - destroys parasites, worms
    • Antibacterial - kills bacterial growth or prevents bacteria from growing
    • Anticatarrhal - helps to remove excess mucus from the body
    • Antifungal - prevents or kills fungus growth
    • Anti-infectious - prevents or treats an infection
    • Antiseptic - prevents or combats bacterial infection
    • Antiviral - kills or inhibits the growth of viruses
    • Expectorant - promotes the removal of mucus from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
    • Immunostimulant - stimulates and strengthens the immune system
    • Mucolytic - helps fluidify mucus in the lungs, making it easier to cough up

    Bacterial infections
    Ravintsara oil is highly effective at clearing bacterial infections. Mix 4 drops with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, and apply over the affected area twice daily.

    Make a diffuser blend: Antibacterial Blend
    10 drops Rosalina
    8 drops Lavender
    4 drops Geranium
    6 drops Lemon
    6 drops Palmarosa
    10 drops Ravintsara

    Make up the blend of essential oils in a dark bottle, and store it in a dark cold place. Now you have a blend ready to go when you need it.

    Use 4-10 drops in your diffuser,
    use 4 drops of the blend to 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil (organic vegetable oil) and 1 teaspoon of salt before adding to the bath water and dispersing well with your hand before you get in.

    Cold sores
    Ravintsara oil has potent antiviral properties and is therefore very effective at cleaning a cold sore. Mix 1 drop of ravintsara oil with 1 drop of coconut oil, and apply to the cold sore using a clean cotton swab. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

    Add 3 drops to a stem inhalation, or mix 4 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and massage into the chest.

    Cuts & wounds
    The antiseptic properties in ravintsara oil help protect cuts and wounds from infection. Therefore mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and apply over the area of concern 2 times a day.

    Mix 4 drops with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the soles of the feet. Or add 6 drops in 1 tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil to a warm bath. Ravintsara helps to strengthen and support the immune system, protecting it from illness and viruses.


    Wenn dieses Öl oder diese Mischung sicher verbreitet werden kann, wird es auf Hund, Katze oder beides geprüft:

    • Dogs

    Made in France
    From 100% organic farming
    ECOCERT- certified


    Organic, made in France, and certified by ECOCERT.

    • Immune system
    • Viral infections
    Haut- und Haarprobleme
    • Wounds & ulcers
    • Bronchitis
    • Colds & Flu
    • Stuffy nose
    • Sinusitis
    • Aging skin
    • Blemished skin
    • Dry skin
    • Normal skin
    Passt gut zu

    Bay laurel, bergamot, black pepper, cardamom, cedarwood, cypress, eucalyptus radiata, fragonia, frankincense, geranium, ginger, ho wood, hyssop decumbens, lavender, lavender (spike), lemon, manuka, myrtle, niaouli, oregano, palmarosa, ravensara, rosemary, tea tree, thyme linalol.

    Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Verwendung

    Best avoided during pregnancy and while breast feeding.

    Verpackung und Lagerung

    Store away from heat and light
    Storage: 24 months after opening
    Packaging: 10ml amber glass bottle with dropper cap

    Eine kleine Geschichte

    Essential oil from the Ravintsara tree was introduced into Madagascar in the mid-twentieth century from Taiwan. It now grows wild in the rainforests of Madagascar or is cultivated.


    10 ml