Óleo Essencial Orgânico de Hortelã-Pimenta, 10ml

€ 8,80

Agricultura orgânica

Certificado orgânico

The french flag

Feito na França

Na compra de um óleo essencial, enviarei um e-mail com dicas de como usá-lo.

Experimente os benefícios revigorantes e refrescantes do Óleo Essencial de Hortelã-Pimenta Orgânico, proveniente das melhores plantas de Mentha piperita da Índia. Conhecido por seu aroma fresco e mentolado e aplicações versáteis, este óleo essencial é essencial para sua rotina de bem-estar e autocuidado.

Características principais:

  • 100% Puro e Orgânico: Extraído de plantas de hortelã-pimenta de alta qualidade, garantindo o mais alto nível de pureza e potência.
  • Perfil Aromático: Aroma fresco e mentolado que revigora e refresca os sentidos.
  • Uso versátil: Ideal para aromaterapia, cuidados com a pele e cuidados domésticos.

Usos sugeridos:

  • Aromaterapia: Difunda para criar uma atmosfera refrescante e revigorante.
  • Aplicação tópica: dilua com um óleo transportador e aplique na pele para uma experiência refrescante e calmante.
  • Refrescador doméstico: Use em soluções de limpeza naturais ou como spray ambiente para obter um aroma fresco e limpo.

Como usar:

  • Melhoria do humor: Adicione algumas gotas a um difusor para energizar e refrescar seu ambiente.
  • Cuidados com a pele: dilua com um óleo carreador e aplique na pele para obter propriedades refrescantes e revitalizantes.
  • Limpeza Natural: Misture com água ou agentes de limpeza para adicionar um aroma fresco e mentolado à sua rotina de limpeza.

Recomendado para:

  • Energizando e refrescando o ambiente
  • Resfriando e acalmando a pele
  • Adicionando um aroma agradável aos produtos de cuidados domésticos

Experimente as propriedades revigorantes e revitalizantes do óleo essencial de hortelã-pimenta orgânico e eleve a sua rotina diária com seus benefícios versáteis.

Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Mais Informações

INCI name: Mentha piperita oil
Botanical name: Mentha piperita L.
Distilled part of the plant: Whole plant
Method of obtaining: Entrainment with steam
Origin of the plant: India

  • Analgesic - Pain killer, reduces pain
  • Antibacterial - kills bacterial growth or prevents bacteria from growing
  • Anti-infectious - prevents or treats an infection
  • Anti-inflammatory - reduces inflammation and swelling
  • Antiseptic - prevents or combats bacterial infection
  • Antispasmodic - prevents or relieves spasms
  • Antiviral - kills or inhibits the growth of viruses
  • Carminative - preventsor relieves flatulence; gas in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cholagogue - stimulates the flow of bile
  • Decongestant - used to relieve stuffy nose
  • Digestive - improves the function of the stomach, increases appetite, and helps with digestion
  • Stimulant - increases alertness of the mind, and boosts energy. Raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body
  • Tonic - refreshes, revitalizes and invigorates body functions
Dicas de uso

If you have breakouts or acne, put 4-7 drops of peppermint in a steaming bowl of water and form a tent with a towel. Steam your face (important to keep your eyes completely shot!) Then rinse with cool water.

Flea & Insect Repellent
Add 10 drops of peppermint oil to a 200 ml spray bottle filled with water or Lavandin hydrosol.
Spray onto the upper and lower body to repel insects.

Focus & Concentration
Diffuse 4-10 drops of peppermint oil to improve mental clarity and concentration.

Hot Flashes
Add 10-12 drops of peppermint oil to a 300 ml spray bottle filled with water. Spray over your head and upper body to cool down and refresh the senses.

Itching or sunburn
Mix 4 drops of peppermint oil with 2 teaspoons (10 ml) carrier oil, and massage into the affected area to relieve the itching from sunburn or rash.

Motion Sickness
Mix 3 drops of peppermint oil with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of carrier oil, and massage into the abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Muscular aches and pains
Peppermint oil helps to relieve pain, inflammation, and muscular spasms. Mix 5 drops of peppermint oil with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) carrier oil. Massage into the affected area.

If you have seen a mouse or rat around your house, place 2 drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and leave scattered around. Especially in places where there may be small mouse holes. Be careful not to leave them in places where they can be reached by children or pets.

Place 1 drop of peppermint oil on a cotton bud and rub it around the area the tick has burrowed into your skin. This will cause til tick to poke its head out so you can remove it safely.

Head lice
Head lice in school? Use 10 drops of Peppermint essential oil in the shampoo and massage well, then rinse. Repeat again in the day and every day, twice daily as needed. You can also put 4 drops of peppermint in the conditioner, and massage it on and leave it for 5 minutes before rinsing. Diffuse peppermint essential oil in your home, and in your child's bedroom during the day if they are there. Do not diffuse during the evening/night because it is a stimulant.

Use: Food flavoring (CoE n°: 282)
Food dosage : 1 drop in a dish for 5 people (never exceed 2%)
Always use essential oil diluted in a suitable medium (example: vegetable oil, honey, etc.)
Soluble in alcohol, fatty substances (vegetable oils and butters) and emulsions (creams).
Insoluble in water. It is however possible to use it as a mixture in these types of products but pre-mixed with Solubol (in this case it is necessary to put 4 times more solubol than essential oil).


Se este óleo ou mistura for seguro para Difusão, será verificado se há Cão, Gato ou ambos abaixo:

  • Dogs
Diretrizes gerais para difusão em torno de animais de estimação:
  1. Tempo de difusão: Limite as sessões de difusão a 15-20 minutos.
  2. Ao experimentar um novo óleo essencial, use 1-2 gotas (no difusor) e observe como seu cão ou gato reage.
  3. Ventilação: Mantenha a área bem ventilada.
  4. Observação: Sempre monitore os animais de estimação em busca de quaisquer sinais de sofrimento ao difundir óleos essenciais.

Quality: 100% pure and natural essential oil. Essential Oil Botanically and Biochemically Defined (HEBBD), chemotyped (HECT)
Cultivation: Product from organic farming. 100% of the ingredients are of natural origin, 100% of which are from organic farming. Checked by Bureau Veritas according to the Cosmos Standard standard available on the website www.cosmos-standard.org
Appearance: Clear liquid
Color: Colorless to pale yellow
Smell: Minty, fresh
Density: 0.898 - 0.918
Flash point: 77°C


Certified AB France
100% natural product
Essential Oil Botanically and Biochemically Defined (HEBBD), chemotyped (HECT)
Not tested on animals
Raw materials in line with respect for the environment
No material from petrochemicals
We favor small producers, artisans and fair trade


Menthol: between 32 and 49%
Menthone: between 13 and 28%
1,8-cineole: between 3 and 8%
Menthyl acetate: between 2 and 8%
Allergens : Limonene, geraniol, linalool, citral

The natural origin of the essential oil does not make it possible to obtain an identical composition for each production. Composition and allergens on request.

Problemas de pele e cabelo
  • Acne
  • Insect bites & stings
  • Insect repellents
  • Sunburned skin
Problemas de saúde
  • Headaches & Migraines
Saúde mental
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety & nervousness
Problemas respiratórios
  • Sinusitis
  • Stuffy nose
Problemas musculares e articulares
  • Muscle aches & pains
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle injuries
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Rheumatism
Problemas de digestão
  • Indigestion, heartburn
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Motion sickness
  • Nausea
  • Relieve gas
Questões femininas
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Hot flashes
Precauções para uso

Always use essential oil diluted to at least 20% in a vegetable oil or other suitable medium. Peppermint essence is dermocaustic, it can cause an allergy and is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, which is why it should never be used pure but diluted in vegetable oil.
Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women, in children under 7 years old or in epileptic, asthmatic or allergic subjects.
Always do a test application of your preparation in the bend of the elbow 24 hours before use.
Consult a specialist for all other indications.

Embalagem e armazenamento

Store away from air, heat and light
Storage: 36 months after opening
Packaging: 10ml amber glass bottle with dropper cap


10 ml

Olá, meu nome é Susann!

Sou aromaterapeuta e naturopata holístico e estou aqui para ajudá-lo a escolher os melhores óleos essenciais e produtos naturais para o seu bem-estar – sem nenhum custo extra. Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com qualquer dúvida ou para obter conselhos personalizados. Estou aqui para apoiar você!

Envie-me um e-mail para susann@elliotti.com

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